Retail purchase is currently unavailable. Kindly contact the personal website's owner for more information on the retail purchase availability for the personal website.
Online & Physical Activities (February 2025)
Discover Your Next Journey!
Let’s Go Osaka, Japan! 🇯🇵
Don’t miss this chance and let’s fight for one of the benefits offered in our Marketing Plan.
TSI 2026
Destination: Osaka, Japan
QSA Point: 195,000
Duration: 5 days, 4 nights
Step into the vibrant city of Osaka, where tradition meets modernity and every corner tells a story. From iconic landmarks to delectable street food, Osaka offers an unforgettable experience for every traveler.
Let’s qualify for TSI 2026 Osaka, Japan! You can do it!
Congratulations to all ITSI and NTSI 2025 Qualifiers of DXN Malaysia.
You’ve proven that with dedication, determination, and belief, nothing is impossible!
Dear valued DXN distributors,
Exceptional Case for Cross Country Sales.
With reference to the recent memo pertaining 'Restriction On Cross Country Promotion/Sales/ Distribution', the company has given relaxation as follows:
1. The distributor/up line is able make a purchase on behalf of their distributor provided the status is dormant. This is only applicable if the distributor is not contactable by their up line.
2. For any expired distributor from Malaysia, they are able to reinstate their membership at any nearest country.
The rest of guidelines will still remain same as per the memo issued prior.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Good Morning DXN !
Restriction on Cross Country Promotion/Sales/Distribution of DXN Products.
Kindly be reminded that Distributors are strictly prohibited from promoting, distributing or selling, either directly or indirectly, any DXN Products specifically manufactured or distributed for a particular country in any other country.
Distributors would be held liable and responsible for such activity which shall lead to disciplinary action including but not limited to suspension or termination of their distributorship.
Distributors shall be reminded on the followings clauses as per our DXN Distributorship Rules
& Regulations:-
A Distributor's distributorship shall be terminated if he (or any one of the spouse / partner / party / member of the company including proxy) is directly or indirectly involved in any of the disciplinary cases such as:
-selling or distributing other country's Products in another country which DXN's market has been established;
-delivering, distributing or selling DXN's Products of one country to another country (which DXN's market has been established) without written approval from DXN;
A Distributor is strictly prohibited to distribute or sell any Products specifically manufactured for a particular country in any other country unless written approval from DXN.
Restriction on Cross Country Promotion/Sales/Distribution of DXN Products (guidelines)
To top up the above mentioned, please find the below guidelines to be observed by all branches and stockist/service centers who are handling sales transaction for further compliance.
1. In OBS, a pop up message will appear whenever a foreign membership code is detected. For walk-in member holding a foreign membership code, local center may allow the sales transaction if the said foreign member is physically present in the sales counter.
Having said that, the said purchase will only be limited to the foreign member’s own membership code. Local center shall not allow the product purchase if a foreign member would like to purchase on behalf of 3rd party/friend/relative who is holding a foreign membership code, unless the said 3rd party/friend/relative is also physically present in the office or is able to prove his/her valid residence address in the country. In the event the purchase is allowed, Branch staff and Service Centers staff must ensure that they have manually entered the below compulsory details in the cash bill under “remarks” column:
i. Full and valid address of staying in the country for the membership code whom we will issue cash bill to; and
ii. Membership code, full name and contact number of the member who helps purchase the cash bill on behalf
REMINDER: DXN will take stern actions against the foreign membership code and the member who assisted with the purchase on behalf, including but not limited to suspension or termination of membership, if the information provided to the company is found to be incorrect/untrue.
2. If a foreign membership code is from a country where we do not have any DXN local office presence at the moment, then we may sell to this member.
You may refer to your nearest local DXN Branches for the country list.
3. Branch PIC & Service Centres/Stockists are require to comply to the above guidelines. DXN Management reserves the right to take stern actions against country PIC/staff/Service Center/Stockist/Distributor who has failed to comply to the above.
4. In order to prevent “dummy” membership in the database, please note that address field is now a compulsory/mandatory field during membership registration process. Hence , all members must update their valid address to DXN by 24th October 2021.
In line with the above requirement, with effective October 2021 bonus month (which would be released in the early November 2021), bonus shall only be released to members who have provided their valid address in the company database system, whereas for members without a valid address in the database, their bonus shall be on hold until such update is made to the local branch/head office.
Thank you.
Good Morning DXN !
Dear Valuable DXN Stockist,
Kindly be informed that it is important to always display the Direct Sales License (Sijil AJL) at Service Center counter for inspection of Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNKK).
The AJL license can be downloaded from or
contact the nearest branch for further inquiry.
Thank you.
Lihat lebih lanjut1 JANUARY 2025 - 31 DECEMBER 2025
Lihat lebih lanjut1 JANUARY 2025 - 31 DECEMBER 2025
Lihat lebih lanjutStarting from 1 February 2025 - 30 April 2025.
Lihat lebih lanjut1 FEBRUARY 2025 - 30 APRIL 2025
Lihat lebih lanjutStarting from 01 January 2025 - 28 February 2025
Lihat lebih lanjutPromotion starts from January 1, 2025, to June 30, 2025
Lihat lebih lanjutPromotion starts from January 1, 2025, to June 30, 2025.
Congratulations to all qualifiers of ITSI & NTSI DXN Malaysia 2024. Thank you for great efforts and achievements! ITSI 2025 EGYPT 6 DAYS 5 NIGHTS 685,000 QSD POINTS NTSI 2025 JOGYAKARTA 5 DAYS 4 NIGHTS 172,000 QSD POINTS 1ST JANUARY 2024 - 31ST DECEMBER 2024
1. Penafian Website (Disclaimer)
Situs web DXN berisi informasi, data, dokumen, kebijakan, prosedur, pedoman, dan gambar (dengan ini disebut sebagai "Informasi") yang disiapkan oleh DXN. Informasi dapat mengandung informasi yang berasal dari berbagai pihak ketiga ("Informasi pihak ketiga") yang tidak didukung atau didukung oleh DXN dan karenanya tidak selalu mencerminkan kebijakan, prosedur, standar atau pedoman DXN.
Informasi dan Informasi pihak ketiga yang terkandung dalam situs ini telah disajikan dengan semua perhatian, dianggap benar dan tepat pada tanggal publikasi. Namun, DXN berhak untuk mengubah, memperbaiki, dan meningkatkan Informasi setiap saat tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya.
Informasi dapat mengandung ketidakakuratan teknis atau kesalahan tipografi, oleh karena itu, DXN tidak menjamin atau mewakili Informasi atau Informasi pihak ketiga yang bebas dari kesalahan atau kelalaian. DXN tidak bertanggung jawab atau berkewajiban atas keakuratan, validitas, keandalan, dan kebenaran Informasi dan Informasi pihak ketiga yang diinterpretasikan dan digunakan oleh pengguna.
Tidak ada bagian dari publikasi ini yang boleh direproduksi dalam bentuk apa pun atau diteruskan ke orang lain tanpa persetujuan tertulis dari DXN. Pengguna dengan ini setuju sebagai berikut:
Merek Dagang
Semua nama dagang, merek dagang, nama layanan, nama produk, informasi produk, URL, alamat situs web, logo, desain, atau simbol adalah milik DXN. DXN tidak mengizinkan penggunaan ini, untuk tujuan apa pun atau oleh siapa pun, tanpa persetujuan tertulis dari DXN, dengan pengecualian cabang DXN resmi dan stokis.
Jaminan Penafian (Disclaimer)
DXN tidak menjamin dan bertanggung jawab atas layanan yang disediakan agar dapat diakses setiap saat, tanpa gangguan atau bebas dari kesalahan. Mungkin ada penundaan, kelalaian, interupsi dan ketidakakuratan dalam isi, penyebaran berita, informasi, dan materi lainnya.
DXN akan mengambil langkah yang wajar untuk mencegah masuknya virus dan elemen perusak lainnya ke situs webnya. Namun, DXN tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas atau menjamin situsnya untuk bebas dari semua elemen yang dapat merusak, tetapi tidak terbatas pada virus komputer, peretas, atau sabotase teknis lainnya.
2. Tautan Dari Situs Web Non-DXN Lainnya
Situs web resmi non-DXN yang dimiliki dan dioperasikan oleh pihak ketiga dapat memuat tautan ke situs web resmi DXN. Tautan ke situs web resmi DXN tidak berarti bahwa DXN mendukung atau menerima tanggung jawab apa pun atas konten, penggunaannya atau produk dan layanan yang disediakan melalui situs web resmi Non-DXN. Dengan memanfaatkan tautan tersebut, anda mengakui dan menyetujui bahwa DXN tidak akan bertanggung jawab atau berkewajiban apa pun atas tindakan, konten, akses, kebijakan privasi, opini yang diungkapkan, representasi yang diberikan, layanan yang disediakan, barang dagangan yang ditawarkan untuk dijual atau tautan lain yang disediakan di situs web resmi Non-DXN.